ImageMagick – Adding Text to an Image 2 months ago by Kalyani Rajalingham According to ImageMagick themselves, adding a piece of text to an image is not only one of the most basic operations but also one of the most common uses of ImageMagick. Further, there are a few reasons why you would annotate your image: You may wish to add information about the image. You may wish to point out something about the image. You may wish to copyright the image. In this tutorial, we’ll be learning how to add text to an image. Installing ImageMagick We will need ImageMagick for this process, so first let’s install it: sudo apt-get install imagemagick Append In the simplest case, you can use the append switch to append a text image to an initial image. convert photo44.jpg -background Khaki -pointsize 50 label: 'LinuxHint' -gravity Center -append code002.jpg background : color of the background of the text image. Here...